Session 1.4 Posters (Monday PM)

Session 1.4 Posters

Session Chair:  TBD

Location (2nd floor of hotel):  Berkeley (Posters 1-15), Swannanoa (Posters 16-30), Victoria (Posters 31-45)

Posters Monday PM
EntryTitlePresenter First NamePresenter Last NameAffiliationAbstract
1.4.1Design, characterization and modelling of the CXRS suite at SMARTDiego JoseCruz ZabalaUniversity of Seville
1.4.2Laser Induced Fluorescence Using Frequency Modulated LightEarlScimeWest Virginia University
1.4.3Variable-sagittal-radius elliptical x-ray crystal spectrometers for high-neutron-yield plasma diagnosticsStanislavStoupinLLNL
1.4.4Imaging interior of an ICF hohlraum by using penumbral image cast by self-intersecting toroidal shaftNobuhikoIzumiLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1.4.5Frequency-hopping Doppler Backscattering system (DBS) integrated into real-time steerable electron cyclotron heating launcher at DIII-D for simultaneous turbulence and radio frequency (RF) wave measurementsSatyajitChowdhuryUniversity of California, Los Angeles
1.4.7Time-of-flight vs Time-of-Arrival in Neutron Spectroscopic Measurements for HED PlasmasGaryGrimLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1.4.6Density and Cross-Sectional Area Measurements of the ‘Target’ Region in a Dense Plasma FocusSophiaRoccoLLNL
1.4.8Simultaneous analysis of collinear neutron time-of-flight (nToF) traces applied to pulsed fusion experimentsJamesMitraniLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1.4.10Ion temperature and rotation measurement of carbon and boron using VUV spectroscopy On EASTZichaoLinASIPP
1.4.11Development of the laser blow-off impurity injection system on EASTYuFanInstitute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
1.4.12Celeste-4: A Flexible Charge-Exchange Spectroscopy Diagnostic at MAST-UChristopherBeckleyUnited Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
1.4.13Design, Assembly and Test of a full-scale prototype In-Vessel Viewing System with hybrid LiDARAntoineBourgadeBertin Technologies
1.4.14Collimating SPARC NeutronsRussellGochtCommonwealth Fusion Systems
1.4.15Development of fast 2.5 MeV neutron detectors for high-intensity stray magnetic field environmentsAndreaDal MolinIstituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi - CNR, Milan, Italy
1.4.16ECE Detection of Neoclassical Tearing Modes for Control for ITERJosephZiegelInstitute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas at Austin
1.4.17Overview of In-Vessel Optics Design for Imaging and Spectroscopy Diagnostics for the SPARC TokamakMatthewSilva SaCommonwealth Fusion Systems
1.4.18Verification of life-time and mechanical load aspects for ITER diagnostic pressure gauges based on ZrC emitterHansMeisterMax-Planck-Institute for Plasmaphysics
1.4.19A collinear Second-Harmonic Orthogonally Polarized interferometer (SHOPi) for MITL gap plasma density measurements on Sandia’s Mykonos acceleratorNathanHinesSandia National Laboratories
1.4.20A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Backend Detector Concept for the Time-Resolving Magnetic Recoil Neutron Spectrometer (MRSt) for the NIFAudreyDeVaultMassachusetts Institute of Technology
1.4.21Synthetic measurements of runaway electron synchrotron emission in SPARCAlexTinguelyMIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
1.4.22Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on the alkali beam of Wendelstein 7-XSandorZoletnikHUN-REN Centre for Energy Research
1.4.23Development of a fast heat flux and energy balance diagnostic system for the SPARC tokamakMichaelHansonCommonwealth Fusion Systems
1.4.24Measurements of the effective charge using visible bremsstrahlung in versatile experiment spherical torus (VEST)JeongwonYooFusion and Plasma Dynamics Lab, KAIST
1.4.25Recent progress of dual-laser wavelength Thomson scatteringEkkehardPaschMax-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 17491 Greifswald, Germany
1.4.26Widely tunable optical parametric oscillators in spectroscopic applicationsSapidaAkhundzadaHübner GmbH & Co. KG, Division HÜBNER Photonics, Kassel, 34123, Germany
1.4.27The first results of the HCN interferometer measuring Experimental Research Apparatus for Electromagnetic Science (ERAES) for hypersonic vehicle plasma in near spaceJiboZHANGInstitute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences摘要.pdf
1.4.28Developing a Robust Sensor for Infrared Imaging BolometersGlenWurdenLos Alamos National Laboratory
1.4.29High energy ion diagnostics using CR-39 with the aid of machine learningTakumiMinamiGraduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
1.4.30Time resolved X-ray diffraction using the FIDDLE diagnostic at NIFCaraVennariLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1.4.31Increased accuracy and signal-to-noise ratio through recent improvements in Infra-Red Video Bolometer fabrication and calibrationFabioFedericiORNL
1.4.32Design of Laser Aided Plasma Diagnostic Systems for the SPARC Q > 1 CampaignJoshuaHawkeCommonwealth Fusion Systems
1.4.33Ion optical design of the magnetic proton recoil neutron spectrometer for burning plasma diagnosis of the SPARC tokamakShonMackieMIT PSFC
1.4.34Intrinsic fluence non-uniformity in D3He proton radiographyTimJohnsonMassachusetts Institute of Technology
1.4.35Relative Sensitivity of Plastic Scintillator: A Comparative Analysis with Co-60 Gamma Rays, Deuterium-Deuterium, and Deuterium-Tritium NeutronsYonghoKimLos Alamos National Laboratory
1.4.36Diagnostic integration into real-time closed-loop control simulations for SPARCChrisWoodallCommonwealth Fusion Systems
1.4.37Modifying X-ray Streak Cameras for Operation on Igniting Fusion ExperimentsShahabKhanLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1.4.382D Space-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopic Diagnostics with a Cylindrical Convex CrystalRaduPresuraNevada National Security Site
1.4.39Coded sources for improved radiography resolutionMatthewSelwoodLawrence Livermore National Labs
1.4.40Radiation Effects on Performance of hybrid CMOS Imagers and other Time-Resolved DiagnosticsQuinnLookerSandia National Laboratories
1.4.41Development of the Fast-Ion D-alpha Diagnostic for JT-60SADanielLinGeneral Atomics
1.4.42Testing and Optimization of a Multi-Channel Doppler Backscattering Calibration SystemNiaSimeon-NachmannUCLA
1.4.43Retarding Field Energy Analyzer for measurements of the Main Ion Energy Distribution in DIII-D DivertorBingzheZhaoUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
1.4.44Results from a Synthetic Model of the ITER XRCS-Core Diagnostic Based on High-Fidelity X-Ray Ray TracingNovimirPablantPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
1.4.45Upgrade of DIII-D Radial Interferometer-Polarimeter for near ion-cyclotron frequency magnetic and density fluctuation measurementsGauravPrabhudesaiUCLA