Time | Sunday, 4/21 | Monday, 4/22 | Tuesday, 4/23 | Wednesday, 4/24 | Thursday, 4/25 |
7:50 - 8:00am | Welcome | Announcements | Announcements | Anouncements | |
8:00 - 10:00am | Session 1.1 Talks | Session 2.1 Talks | Session 3.1 Talks | Session 4.1 Talks | |
10:00 - noon | Session 1.2 Posters | Session 2.2 Posters | Session 3.2 Posters | Session 4.2 Posters | |
noon - 2:00pm | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | |
2:00 - 4:00pm | Free Time | Session 2.3 Talks | Free Time | Session 4.3 Talks | |
4:00 - 6:00pm | Welcome Reception | Free Time | Session 2.4 Posters | Free Time | Adjourn |
6:00 - 8:00pm | Welcome Reception | Session 1.3 Talks | Banquet | Session 3.3 Talks | |
8:00 - 10:00pm | Session 1.4 Posters | Session 3.4 Posters |
Talk Format
Invited talks will follow a 25+5 minute schedule, i.e. authors should budget 25 minutes for presentation of technical content followed by 5 minutes for question and answer.
The projection system uses 16×9 “widescreen” format.
Poster Format
Poster sessions will be 2 hours in duration. Authors should put-up their posters prior to the beginning of the session
Individual poster-board area will be 8×4 feet (width x height).
Session 1.1 Talks, Chair Johan Frenje (MIT)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
8:00–8:30am | 1.1.1 | Learning from Each Other: Diagnostic Crossovers Between MCF and ICF | Maria Gatu Johnson | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
8:30-9:00am | 1.1.2 | Versatile multi-energy hard x-ray camera to study confined and unconfined anisotropic characteristics of fast-electron dynamics | Tullio Barbui | Princeton Plasma Physics Lab |
9:00 - 9:30am | 1.1.3 | Chasing symmetry: 3D shape characteristics of ignition shots at the National Ignition Facility | Mora Durocher | Los Alamos National Lab |
9:30 - 10:00am | 1.1.4 | The new GETART method for measurement of the fusion power in DT magnetic confinement fusion based on absolute detection of 17 MeV gamma rays | Marco Tardocchi | Institute for Science and Technology of Plasmas, CNR |
Session 1.2 Posters
Session 1.3 Talks, Chair Luis Delgado-Aparicio (PPPL)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
6:00–6:30pm | 1.3.1 | Application of velocimetry in assessing the current delivered to targets on the Z generator | Chris Jennings | Sandia National Lab |
6:30-7:00pm | 1.3.2 | Ion temperature imaging in the divertor of the W7-X stellarator using coherence imaging spectroscopy Presentation | Matt Kriete | Auburn University |
7:00 - 7:30pm | 1.3.3 | An Inverse-Compton Based X-ray Diagnostic to Revolutionize HED and ICF Science | Gerrit Bruhaug | Univ. of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
7:30 - 8:00pm | 1.3.4 | First measurements of an imaging heavy ion beam probe at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak | Pablo Oyola | University of Seville |
Session 1.4 Posters
Session 2.1 Talks, Chair Michael Rosenberg (LLE)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
8:00–8:30am | 2.1.1 | Using an iterative synthetic diagnosis workflow for erosion of WEST main chamber limiters | Curt Johnson | Oak Ridge National Lab |
8:30-9:00am | 2.1.2 | Measurements of Charge-Exchange Neutrals and the Resulting First Wall Erosion on EAST | Rui Ding | Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
9:00 - 9:30am | 2.1.3 | Probing temperature of dynamically-compressed materials using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) at the National Ignition Facility | Hong Sio | Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
9:30 - 10:00am | 2.1.4 | Advances in the development of gas detectors as plasma radiation diagnostic devices Presentation | Maryna Chernyshova | Institue of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, IPPLM |
Session 2.2 Posters
Session 2.3 Talks, Chair David Donovan (UT-Knoxville)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
2:00–2:30pm | 2.3.1 | Diagnosing up-scattered DT neutrons produced in burning plasmas at the NIF | Justin Jeet | Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
2:30-3:00pm | 2.3.2 | Overview of the Early Campaign Diagnostics for the SPARC Tokamak Presentation | Matt Reinke | Commonwealth Fusion Systems |
3:00 - 3:30pm | 2.3.3 | Bringing state of the art diagnostics to a nuclear machine Presentation | Maarten De Bock | ITER Organization |
3:30 - 4:00pm | 2.3.4 | Diagnostic Set Requirements and Technology for Magnetic Confinement Fusion Pilot Plants (FPP) | Tsuyoshi Akiyama | General Atomics |
Session 2.4 Posters
Session 3.1 Talks, Chair Bart Lomanowski (ORNL)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
8:00–8:30am | 3.1.1 | Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Platform for Cryogenic Deuterium–Tritium Direct-Drive Implosions on OMEGA | Kristen Churnetski | Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Univ. of Rochester |
8:30-9:00am | 3.1.2 | 2D core ion temperature and impurity density with Coherence Imaging Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CICERS) at Wendelstein 7-X | Ramon Lopez Cansino | University of Seville |
9:00 - 9:30am | 3.1.3 | New millimeter-wave diagnostics to locally probe internal density and magnetic field fluctuations and turbulence in NSTX-U | Tanmay Macwan | Univ. of California - Los Angeles |
9:30 - 10:00am | 3.1.4 | Femtosecond Few-View Tomography for HED Experiments at LCLS | Chris McGuire | Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
Session 3.2 Posters
Session 3.3 Talks, Chair David Smith (UW-Madison)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
6:00–6:30pm | 3.3.1 | Time-Resolved Measurements of Neutron Anisotropy in a Shear-Flow Stabilized Z-Pinch | Rachel Ryan | Zap Energy |
6:30-7:00pm | 3.3.2 | 3D Reconstruction of ICF Images Using Neural Networks | Bradley Wolfe | Los Alamos National Lab |
7:00 - 7:30pm | 3.3.3 | Real-time deep neural network inference with the MHz-scale 2D BES data stream for ELM onset prediction | Semin Joung | Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison |
7:30 - 8:00pm | 3.3.4 | Novel DT-neutron activation diagnostics for increased neutron yield operations at Sandia’s Z-Facility | Michael Mangan | Sandia National Lab |
Session 3.4 Posters
Session 4.1 Talks, Chair Yongho Kim (LANL)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
8:00–8:30am | 4.1.1 | High-n Rydberg Charge Exchange Spectroscopy to study Highly Charged Impurity Ions in Fusion Plasmas | Colin Swee | Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison |
8:30-9:00am | 4.1.2 | A scintillator-based fast ion loss detector for steady-state operation in Wendelstein 7-X | Alexandra LeViness | Princeton Plasma Physics Lab |
9:00 - 9:30am | 4.1.3 | Ultra-fast single-crystal CVD diamond detectors for measurements of nuclear emission time histories at the National Ignition Facility | Benjamin Reichelt | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
9:30 - 10:00am | 4.1.4 | Developing Time-resolved X-ray Diffraction Diagnostics at NIF | Nathan Palmer | Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
Session 4.2 Posters
Session 4.3 Talks, Chair Calvin Domier (UC-Davis)
Time | Entry | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
2:00–2:30pm | 4.3.1 | Angularly Resolved Thomson Scattering | Joe Katz | Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Univ. of Rochester |
2:30-3:00pm | 4.3.2 | Development of a high-repetition and high-spatial-resolution Thomson scattering diagnostic for measuring transient plasma phenomena | Ryo Yasuhara | National Institute for Fusion Science |
3:00 - 3:30pm | 4.3.3 | The next-generation Particle X-ray Temporal Diagnostic for simultaneous time-resolved measurements of nuclear-burn and x-ray emission histories in support of basic-science and high-yield DT-implosion experiments at OMEGA | Tucker Evans | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
3:30 - 4:00pm | 4.3.4 | Frontier microwave technology for fusion reactor diagnostics Presentation | Ying Chen | Univ. of California - Davis |