Session 3.2 Posters (Wednesday AM)

Session 3.2 Posters

Session Chair:  TBD

Location (2nd floor of hotel):  Berkeley (Posters 1-15), Swannanoa (Posters 16-30), Victoria (Posters 31-45)

Posters Wednesday AM
EntryTitlePresenter First NamePresenter Last NameAffiliationAbstract
3.2.1Optimized Collection Optic Design for Divertor Thomson scattering diagnostics in KSTARGeun HyeongParkUniversity of Science and Technology, Korea institute of Fusion Energy

The General Atomics Laboratory for Developing Rep-rated Instrumentation  and Experiments with Lasers (GALADRIEL)

MarioManuelGeneral Atomics
3.2.3Accelerated MICER analysis leveraging Machine LearningAdriannaAnguloPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
3.2.4ELM-Resolved Measurements of Tungsten Erosion and Heat Flux During DIII-D Small Angle Slot Divertor ExperimentsAlecCacherisUniversity of Tennessee Knoxville
3.2.5Bayesian Analysis for the Collective Thomson scattering Diagnostics System in a modular X-pinch plasma deviceYONG SUNGYOUKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
3.2.6Simultaneous voltage and current measurement for the X-pinch device using the optics-based measurement systemsSeongminChoiKAIST
3.2.7Fiber Optic Bolometer Array Design and DeploymentSeungsupLeeOak Ridge National Laboratory
3.2.8High-energy ion diagnostics using a multi-layered scintillation detector for laser-driven ion acceleration experimentsToshiharuYasuiGraduate School of Engineering, Osaka University修正HTPD2024_Name_Abstract_yasui_0202.pdf

Development of a toroidally resolved broadband ECE imaging system for measurement of turbulent fluctuations on KSTAR

Dong-KwonKimKorea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE)/ POSTECH
3.2.10Design of a low frequency, density profile reflectometer system for the MAST-U spherical tokamakTerryRhodesUCLA
3.2.12Real-time measurement system for two-color CO2 laser interferometer and its demonstration on density feedback control in JT-60SAYoshiakiOhtaniNational Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
3.2.13Classification of Tokamak Operation Mode: Application of Machine Learning Technique using Edge Reflectometer on the KSTARBoseongKimKorea Institute of Fusion Energy
3.2.14Advances in background estimation for robust thermal and fast ion monitoring using collective Thomson scatteringTheoVERDIERDTU Physics - Technical University of Denmark, Department of Physics
3.2.15Integration and Performance of the Pilatus3 Detector for Soft X-ray Diagnostics on TCVSilviaMasilloEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), Lausanne, Switzerland
3.2.16Electron temperature profile measurement by soft x-ray diagnostics system in integrated commissioning phase of JT-60SARyuichiSanoNational Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
3.2.17COSMONAUT: a Compact Spectrometer for Measurements Of Neutrons at the ASDEX Upgrade TokamakMassimoNocenteUniversity of Milano-Bicocca
3.2.18Using Convolutional Neural Networks to detect Edge Localized Modes from Doppler Backscattering DIII-D dataNathanTeo1) Nanyang Technological University 2) Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
3.2.19Fast Doppler Spectroscopy System for Impurity Dynamics Study in the ADITYA-USharvilPatelPandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar 382 426, India
3.2.20Overview of the Preliminary Design of SPARC’s Neutron Diagnostic SystemsPrasoonRajCommonwealth Fusion Systems
3.2.21Development of a Q-band frequency tunable DBS system for pedestal and SOL density fluctuation and flow measurements in the DIII-D TokamakJuliusDambaUniversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
3.2.22Design and commissioning of resistive foil bolometer diagnostics on the ST40 tokamakDanielHarrymanTokamak Energy
3.2.23Plasma current measurement in the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) and in the National Spherical Torus eXperiment Upgrade (NSTX-U)StefanoMunarettoPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
3.2.24Optimizing Bandwidth and Flux on an X-ray Streak camera for Laser Produced Plasma SpectroscopyShawnMcPoylePrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
3.2.25Measurement of Stark-split beam and carbon charge exchange emissions for simultaneous B-field and temperature/rotation analysis at DIII-DRyanAlbostaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
3.2.26Spatially-resolved TALIF measurements of atomic hydrogen density, temperature, and velocity in the UPP linear plasma deviceKadenLoringStanford University
3.2.27Calibration techniques for Thomson scattering diagnostics on large fusion experimentsGoloFuchertMax-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP)
3.2.28Understanding and modelling gas puff injection for diagnostic purposesAlfonsoRodríguez-GonzálezUniversity of Seville
3.2.29Imaging-Based Measurements of Helicon Plasma Mode StructureGustavo EliasBartoloWest Virginia Universitt
3.2.30Spectral ellipsometer for thin layer measurements in fusion applicationsMaciejKrychowiakMax-Planck-Insitute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany
3.2.31Improving the Single Line of Sight Time-Resolved X-Ray Imager Performance and Recharacterization Using a Short Pulse LaserMichaelMichalkoLaboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester
3.2.32Quantification and visualization of uncertainty in penumbral imaging of ICF implosionsJustinKunimuneMassachusetts Institute of Technology
3.2.33Upgraded Space and Time Resolved Visible Spectroscopic Diagnostic on ADITYA-U TokamakDipexaModiPandit Deendayal Energy University, Gujarat, India
3.2.34Superconducting, Tomographic, Neutron Diagnostics for Fusion Power MonitoringMetteBybjerg BrockTechnical University of Denmark (DTU Physics) and SUBRA A/S
3.2.35Development of a Bolometry Diagnostic for SPARCRebeccaLiCommonwealth Fusion Systems
3.2.36The Infrared Thermography System on the MAST-U TokamakJessicaStobbsUKAEA
3.2.37X-ray sources for in-situ spatial, wavelength and absolute calibrations of the X-ray Imaging Crystal Spectrometer (XICS) for Fusion PlasmasKajalShahPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
3.2.38Near-UV divertor spectroscopy measurements in support of power exhaust and radiative divertor studies in JETBartLomanowskiOak Ridge National Laboratory
3.2.39Novel Calibration Approach for the ITER Collective Thomson Scattering DiagnosticSøren BangKorsholmDTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark
3.2.40Development of a spatially resolved neutron time-of-flight spectrometer using optical multiplexingLandonTafoyaUniversity of Michigan
3.2.41Multivariate analysis of x-ray spectra from high-energy-density laser-produced plasmasEricAndrewCalifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona
3.2.42Characterization of image plate response to mono-energetic protonsNielsVanderlooPlasma Science and Fusion Center: MIT
3.2.43Correlation Electron Cyclotron Emission Radiometry and Modeling in the HSX StellaratorLuquantSinghUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison
3.2.44Diagnostics work and capabilities at UKAEANeilConwayUKAEA
3.2.45Development of frequency multiplying heterodyne receiver and transceiver for millimeter wave plasma diagnosticsDaisukeKuwaharaChubu University