Session 3.4 Posters (Wednesday PM)

Session 3.4 Posters

Session Chair:  TBD

Location (2nd floor of hotel):  Berkeley (Posters 1-15), Swannanoa (Posters 16-30), Victoria (Posters 31-45)

Posters Wednesday PM
EntryTitlePresenter First NamePresenter Last NameAffiliationAbstract
3.4.1Conceptual Design of a Doppler Spectrometry for 10^2 m/s Cross-Field Flows in Tokamak DivertorsKeisukeFujiiOak Ridge National Laboratory
3.4.2Design of a Diamond-Based In-Vessel Soft X-Ray Detector for the SPARC TokamakStanleyNormilePlasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3.4.3Long-term radiation impact on the ITER DRGA quadrupole mass spectrometer and degradation of plasma cell optical signalBrendanQuinlanOak Ridge National Laboratory
3.4.4GRASP: a new compact Gamma-RAy SPectrometer design for inertial confinement fusion and basic science experimentsSkylarDannhoffMassachusetts Institute of Technology
3.4.5The CXSFIT spectral fitting code: past, present and futureEphremDelabieOak Ridge National Laboratory
3.4.6First Set of Enhanced Resolution Hard X-ray Imaging Diagnostics on Laser MegaJouleVincentTrauchessecCEA
3.4.7Evaluation of an x-ray multi-layer mirror for radiography at sub 1 keV photon energiesChristianStoecklUniversity of Rochester
3.4.9HDR M700: A Next Generation High Dynamic Range Thermal Infrared Imaging SystemJosephCarrockTelops
3.4.10Improvements in pulsed laser induced fluorescence signal-to-noise through matched filter signal processingTylerGilbertWest Virginia University
3.4.11Tokamak plasma diagnostic potential of lithium extreme ultraviolet spectraVladSoukhanovskiiLLNL
3.4.12Mitigation Strategies for Diagnostic Data Degradation due to High Neutron Yield of ICF Experiments at the NIFClementTrosseilleLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
3.4.13New Fabrication Techniques for Coded Apertures to Image High-energy-density PhenomenaChristopherCampbellLos Alamos National Laboratory
3.4.14Towards High Bandwidth Motional Stark Effect Measurements based on Spatial Heterodyne SpectroscopyMichaelRichardsonUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
3.4.15Characterization of Image Plate Multi-Scan Response to Monoenergetic X-raysMatthewCufariPlasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3.4.16Diagnostic for laser-plasma instability experiments with a 527-nm wavelength, kJ, high- repetition rate laserWolfgangTheobaldFocused Energy
3.4.17Radiated power and soft X-ray diagnostics in the SMART TokamakJesúsSalas Suárez-BárcenaDepartment of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics, University of Seville
3.4.18Design and Analysis of an Actively-cooled, Additively-manufactured, Reciprocating Probe for Sample Exposure in Long-pulsed WEST DischargesEzekialUnterbergORNL
3.4.19Relativistic calculations of spectra from beam-target gamma-ray and neutron yielding reactions in magnetically confined plasmasAndreaValentiniTechnical University of Denmark
3.4.20Correlation Electron Cyclotron Emission radiometry development and measurements on the stellarator Wendelstein 7-XGavinWeirMax Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
3.4.21Characterization of a CMOS Camera based Film Digitization Platform for Gated X-ray Imaging Diagnostics at the National Ignition FacilityNicholasRuofLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
3.4.22In-Situ Relative Calibration of High-Resolution X-ray Spectra from Multiple CrystalsFrancesKrausPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
3.4.23Novel Variable-gain PMTs for Measuring DT and DD Neutron Hotspot Velocities on a Single DetectorKellyHahnLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
3.4.24Development of Robust Vacuum Feedthroughs for SPARC DiagnosticsJuliaWithamCommonwealth Fusion Systems LLC
3.4.25Statistical analysis of x-ray spectroscopy data using neural-network accelerated Bayesian inferenceMikeMacDonaldLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
3.4.26The Magnetic Diagnostics for SPARCClaytonMyersCommonwealth Fusion Systems
3.4.28Development of the prototype for the SPARC hard X-ray monitorEnricoPanontinMIT - PSFC
3.4.29Upgrade of the FIDA Spectroscopy system at the NSTX-U TokamakAidanEdmondsonUW-Madison
3.4.30Design of a Heavy Ion Beam Probe for Wendelstein 7-X and Studies of Plasma Equilibrium and TurbulenceDianeDemersXantho Technologies
3.4.32Collective Thomson Scattering on a Sheared-flow-stabilized Z PinchWilliamYoungZap Energy
3.4.33Active neutral beam spectroscopy at W7-XOliverFordMax Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
3.4.34SPARC Microwave Diagnostics OverviewValentinaNikolaevaCommonwealth Fusion Systems
3.4.35Designing ITER Motional Stark Effect Line Shift (MSE-LS) SpectrometersIlkerUzun-KaymakNova Photonics Inc.
3.4.36Upgrade of the Lyman-alpha diagnostic system on DIII-D for 2D edge neutral studiesLaszloHorvathPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
3.4.39Overview of the MPEX diagnostic suite: testing, validation, and designDrewElliottOak Ridge National Laboratory
3.4.39Advances on the Heavy Ion Beam Probe Synthetic Diagnostic for Wendelstein 7-XHumbertoTrimino MoraMax-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
3.4.40Errors in Field Reconstruction using CR-39 Proton Radiographs with High Fluence RangeBryanFooMIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
3.4.41Initial Plasma Diagnostics for Type One Energy’s First Generation StellaratorCornwallLauType One Energy
3.4.42Application of an integrated, multi-sensor neutral gas analysis diagnostic to the W7-X research programC CHRISTOPHERKLEPPERORNL
3.4.43Saturation mitigation strategies in microchannel plate photomultiplier tubesJamesMilnesPhotek Ltd
3.4.45Neutron spectrometer and neutron counting diagnostics for General Fusion’s LM26 machineAllisonRadichGeneral Fusion