Session 4.2 Posters
Session Chair: TBD
Location (2nd floor of hotel): Berkeley (Posters 1-15), Swannanoa (Posters 16-30), Victoria (Posters 31-45)
Entry | Title | Presenter First Name | Presenter Last Name | Affiliation | Abstract |
4.2.1 | 4 kHz high-dynamic-range Thomson scattering on LM26 | Simon | Coop | General Fusion | |
4.2.2 | Fast Photodiode Arrays for Monitoring Reconnection Dynamics in PHASMA | Tom | Rood | West Virginia University | |
4.2.3 | A Magnetic Diagnostic Suite for the Pegasus-III Experiment | Joshua | Reusch | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
4.2.4 | Implementation of an Impurity Diagnostic Suite on the Pegasus-III Experiment | Cuauhtemoc | Rodriguez Sanchez | UW-Madison | |
4.2.5 | Design and Characterization of the Time Resolved Spectrometer (OPSpecTR) for the NIF Iron Opacity Campaign | Yekaterina | Opachich | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |
4.2.6 | Excited state population modeling for entangled two-photon absorption and fluorescence | David | Smith | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
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4.2.8 | Development of Step Wedge Ensembles for Spectral Verification in Neutron Imaging Systems | Emily | Mendoza | Los Alamos National Laboratory | |
4.2.9 | Enhanced Efficiencies of Hard X-Ray Transmission Crystal Spectrometers by Utilizing Multiple Stacked Crystals | John | Seely | National Institue of Standards and Technology | |
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4.2.11 | Development of Improved Higher-Order Correction for the NIF Opacity Spectrometer | Bryce | Hobbs | The University of Texas at Austin | |
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4.2.13 | Quantifying x-ray diffraction with the FIDDLE diagnostic at NIF | Laura Robin | Benedetti | LLNL | |
4.2.14 | Improvements on spectroscopic analysis code for spatially-resolved x-ray absorption data from the COAX platform | Dzafer | Camdzic | Los Alamos National Laboratory | |
4.2.15 | Diagnosing multi-ion-species plasmas through spatially resolved spectroscopy and collisional-radiative modeling | Ameer | Mohammed | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | |
4.2.16 | The Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic for ITER | Elizabeth | Foley | Nova Photonics, Inc. | |
4.2.17 | A Modular, High Dynamic Range Passive Neutron Dosimeter and Imaging Diagnostic | Thomas | Schmidt | Los Alamos National Lab | |
4.2.18 | Towards real-time measurement of isotope ratio and RF electric field with optical emission spectroscopy | Gilson | Ronchi | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | |
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4.2.20 | Wisconsin In Situ Penning (WISP) high brightness neutral partial pressure gauges installed at D3D and operated at W7-X | Kole | Rakers | University of Wisconsin Madison | |
4.2.21 | Implementation of a Real-Time MSE System | Fred | Levinton | Nova Photonics, Inc. | |
4.2.22 | Diagnostics for General Fusion’s LM26 Machine | Henry | Gould | General Fusion | |
4.2.23 | High resolution, sub-picosecond x-ray spectrometer for studying short pulse laser generated plasma | Ronnie | Shepherd | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |
4.2.24 | Upgrades to x-ray microcalorimeter fusion diagnostic to improve calibration, spectral bandwidth selection, and count rate adjustment | Steph | Kubala | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) | |
4.2.25 | Al and W radiation survey to constrain ⟨Te⟩ and Te(r,t) measurement with adaptive muti-energy SXR diagnostics in MST and WEST | Luis | Delgado-Aparicio | PPPL | |
4.2.26 | Ultrafast laser-driven x-pinches | Heath | LeFevre | University of Michigan | |
4.2.27 | A Poloidal High-k Scattering Diagnostic for NSTX-U | Calvin | Domier | University of California, Davis | |
4.2.28 | Diagnostic development and needs for laser driven MeV X-ray Radiography | Dean | Rusby | Lawrence Livermore National Lab. | |
4.2.29 | Integration of Fixed-Frequency and FM-CW Reflectometers for Coincident Turbulence Measurements on LTX-β | Shigeyuki | Kubota | University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Physics and Astronomy | |
4.2.30 | Development and Commissioning of the Tangential X-ray Crystal Spectrometer (XCS) on Aditya-U Tokamak | Malay | Chowdhuri | Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India | |
4.2.31 | Progress on a High Throughput, Subpicosecond X-Ray Streak Tube Design for Laser-Plasma Interaction Experiments | Anthony | Raymond | Laboratory for Laser Energetics | |
4.2.32 | New Pulse Dilation System on the Gamma Reaction History Diagnostic | Hermann | Geppert-Kleinrath | Los Alamos National Laboratory | |
4.2.33 | Overview of ITPA R&D Diagnostics Activities in Support of the ITER Research Plan | Didier | Mazon | CEA | |
4.2.34 | Development of a large field of view radiography capability for MagLIF preheat experiments on the Omega EP laser facility | Matthew | Gomez | Sandia National Laboratories | |
4.2.35 | Diverting current to drive an X-pinch for point projection radiography on the Z facility | Hannah | Hasson | Sandia National Laboratories | |
4.2.36 | Rapid Calibration Plan for NIF’s Near Backscatter Imager (NBI) | Henry | Meyer | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |
4.2.37 | Fast Neutron and Gamma Ray Scintillation from β-Ga2O3 | Ke-Xun | Sun | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | |
4.2.38 | Assessment of the Calibration of the Scattered Light Time-history Diagnostic (SLTD) at the National Ignition Facility | Steven | Kostick | University of Rochester | |
4.2.39 | A real time diamond spectrometer for ion temperature profile measurements for the SPARC tokamak | Marco | Petruzzo | Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca | |
4.2.40 | Platform development towards ultra-intense laser-based simultaneous MeV x-ray and neutron multimodal radiography | Franziska | Treffert | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |